1. HTML Project: Minimal Site = 50%
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A pdf of our textbook is downloadable online in the google drive for the class (which is linked from the moodle for the class).
Adobe has allowed you to download software while you work remotely! special Adobe Creative Suite Licence instructions (Good until Jan. 26, 2025) >> Online video lectures will be uploaded to a folder called "video lectures" in the google drive for the class. (The link to the google drive is https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aAbYRkzmV4IYzgmxOMp0CFpLXt-fxKvW?usp=drive_link. (You must be logged into google with your unca.edu account.) An email will be sent to you when each one is created.>>
To set up an individual zoom meeting in order to answer questions or debug code, send me an email with available dates and times. Individual meetings are optional and not required. Week 1
Week 2
Chapter 2: Text
Week 3
Chapter 4: Links
Week 4Chapter 8: Extra Markup mockup minimal site Week 5mockup minimal site
Week 6Chapter 10: Introducing CSS
Week 7Chapter 12: Text
CLASS MOVES ONLINEWeek 11Chapter 13: Boxes
Week 12Chapter 15: Layout
Week 13-16code minimal site
Exam Week
Exam Day