micro-project: animated gif quiltconceptBased on the practice of Appalachian quilting bees, where people get together and sew different parts of the same quilt, we will make an animated gif class quilt. Each artist makes one square of the quilt, and all the squares are pieced together. Our quilt will be composed of animated gifs. The class will collectively choose a word to be the theme of the quilt, and then your gif will be a visual interpretation of that word. assignmentMake a 150X150 pixel animated gif that weighs < 100k, name it "yourlastname.gif", and upload it to the 330 google drive in a folder called "quilt." Your gif can actually be any dimensions, just be aware that it will be called into the overall quilt at 150X150px. The squares will directly abutt each other with no borders. The outer edge of the entire quilt will have a 1 pixel black border. animated gif examples
original digital quilt project
technical minutiaeAnimated GIF Minimum Frame Delay Browser Compatibility Study* (johnson) |