1. position paper on design & culture = 25%
2. response writings, critique paper, 2 short response essays, quizzes, drafts, daily grades = 75%
A pdf of our textbook is downloadable online in the google drive for the class (which is linked from the moodle for the class). There are no required readings since transitioning to online classes, but it is here for your research and reference.
Online video lectures will be uploaded to a folder called "video lectures" in the google drive for the class. (The link to the google drive is https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18FvdUXFBr4U3uDA-IMtUa3lGCXXhNDAt?usp=drive_link. (You must be logged into google with your unca.edu account.) An email will be sent to you when each one is created.>>
- constructivism, de stijl, art deco (chapters 15, 14) [uploaded 11/6]
- Bauhaus, Swiss grid, American Modernism (chapters 16a, 18, 19) [uploaded 11/14]
- conceptual image, postmodernism 1 [New Wave Typography, Memphis School, retro type] (chapters 21, 22) [uploaded 11/15]
- postmodernism 2 [grunge, contemporary flavors] (chapter 24) [uploaded 11/15]
Instead of taking the 2 tests, you will write 2 short response essays, 2-4 pages each. >>
For each essay, you will watch the above video lectures and choose from them one piece of work about which to write. You will analyze the work formally (kind of like you did in your first short formal analysis paper), but instead of saying whether or not you like the work, you will instead relate the way the work looks (or functions) with the era in which it occurs. You will choose a different work for each response essay, and the two works cannot be from the same era or movement. So, for example, you couldn't choose two psychedelic posters, because they would both be from the "conceptual image" movement. So you have to choose two separate works from two separate movements. You don't have to research the works beyond watching the lecture videos. You don't have to cite any sources or have any footnotes. You just have to relate the way they look (or function) with the era in which they occur. Every force evolves a form, so what are the historical forces that led to the forms you choose to analyze?
To set up an individual zoom meeting in order to answer questions or talk about ideas, send me an email with available dates and times. Individual meetings are optional and not required.
Week 1
Discuss Paper Assignment
(Writing, Alphabets, Early Roman and Asian Design)
Chapter 4. Illuminated Manuscripts
Week 2
Chapter 5. Printing Press
(History of Typography)
Week 3
Chapter 9. Victorian Design
Chapter 10. Arts + Crafts Movement
*design critique [opinion] paper (September 6)
Week 4
Chapter 11. Art Nouveau
Week 5
Chapter 12. Glasgow School, Vienna Secession, Peter Behrens
Chapter 13a. Cubism, Futurism
*3 rough ideas for position paper
Week 6
Chapter 13b. Dada, Surrealism, Expressionism
Chapter 15. Constructivism, De Stijl
* constructivism project
Week 11
constructivism, de stijl, art deco (chapters 15, 14)
Week 12
Bauhaus, Swiss grid, American Modernism (chapters 16a, 18, 19)
* Thesis sentence for position paper. (November 8)
Week 13
conceptual image, postmodernism 1 [New Wave Typography, Memphis School, retro type] (chapters 21, 22)
*thesis paragraph for position paper. (November 15)
Week 14
postmodernism 2 [grunge, contemporary flavors] (chapter 24)
Week 15
* optional outline and revised thesis paragraph for position paper (November 29)
Exam Day (December 9, 11:30am)
* final position paper due
* 2 short response essays due