The Second Empire, or The Eighteenth Brumaire of George W. Bush
Michael Hardt
We seem doomed to
historical repetition. In fact, there is a surplus of ghosts from the
past wandering through our current scene. The difficulty is to cast out
the false specters and see which great historical events and figures are
really being repeated today.
In some respects, the Iraq war and the current global mission of the US
government seem to repeat the old European imperialist projects. The
present efforts not only to impose new regimes in Afghanistan and Iraq
but also more generally to remake the political landscape of the Middle
East and even "reshape the global environment" are conceived and
presented using the old terms of the civilizing mission of European
powers. President Bush might imagine himself donning the cloak of the
great noble imperialists, educating the savages and bringing
civilization to the world. We must have the courage to help them, he
says, and they will thank us later. Or, in a more venal vein, the
efforts to control the vast oil fields in Iraq and the Middle East
certainly recall numerous imperialist wars to accumulate wealth, such as
the British attempts a century ago in the Boer War to gain control of
the great South African gold mines - blood for gold yesterday, blood for
oil today.
Despite these resemblances, however, the old imperialisms do not help us
understand what is central in our contemporary situation. These
comparisons are really just ill fitting clothes that hide what is going
on underneath. The real historical repetition is much closer to home.
The United States is now repeating the Gulf War of 1991, certainly, but
that is really merely an element in a much more important historical
repetition: the coup d'Etat within the global system - a new 18eme
Brumaire, this time a repetition of father and son, not uncle and
nephew. By coup d'Etat here I mean a usurpation of power within the
ruling order by the unilateral, monarchical element and the
corresponding subordination of the multilateral, aristocratic forces.
The coup d'Etat of Bush father was conceived at the time as the creation
of a new world order. Soon after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the
collapse of the bi-polar cold war order, the first Gulf War helped
establish the terms of the new global power structure. The United
States, as the sole remaining superpower, would take precedence over all
other powers, but it would not rule the world alone. The US role in the
first Empire navigated a path that combined superiority and
collaboration. The United States would exercise monarchical powers,
especially in military matters, but within simultaneously collaborate in
a broad global power system constituted by a network of powers of
varying capacities and forms, including the other dominant
nation-states, particularly Europe and Japan, along with major
capitalist corporations, supranational organizations such as the UN, the
World Bank, and the IMF, and numerous others. The essential feature of
the first Empire, once again, is that the monarchical superiority of the
United States did not contradict or obstruct the participation of the
various aristocratic forces in the global power system.
The coup d'Etat of Bush son, which often goes under the name of
unilateralism, takes one step further in the concentration of global
power in the hands of the monarchical United States. What is abundantly
clear in the new US doctrine of pre-emptive strikes and global political
restructuring is that the United States is attempting to subordinate
radically all aristocratic powers. The United States believes it can
rule the world alone or, rather, with merely the aid of passive vassals.
Other powers are thus advised to support it and follow its lead, not so
much because they are necessary but really for their own good, because
failure to follow the US lead will weaken them further and ultimately
make them irrelevant.
While Bush son plays the young Bonaparte, then, the United Nations and
the European nation-states, particularly France and Germany, find
themselves in the position of the 19th century French bourgeois
parliamentary parties, insisting on multilateralism against the
unilateralism of the Emperor. This is the real historical repetition. In
fact, the struggle between the United States and the United Nations,
the US efforts to divide and weaken Europe, and the conflicts within
NATO are much closer to the essential core of the current developments
than even the war on Iraq. This is where the hierarchy of the second
Empire - new world order
2 - is being worked out today.
Every historical repetition, however, comes with a difference, and it is
not merely that the first event has the weight of a tragic creative
transformation whereas the second presents a grotesque masquerade. The
coup d'Etat of Bush son resembles that of the father in that both of
them seek to concentrate greater power in the hands of the United
States. In the first Empire, however, the monarchical role of the United
States in the new world order was balanced by a broad aristocratic
participation in a network of numerous different powers. Today this dual
nature of Empire - US superiority plus broad collaboration - seems to
have broken down completely. On one side, a united Europe, the United
Nations, and other multilateral powers threaten to pose an effective
alternative to the United States and undermine its global superiority.
(One should not underestimate the threat posed by the Euro to the global
monetary monopoly of the dollar.) On the other side, Bush the son's
second Empire attempts to separate the United States from all other
powers and render collaboration unnecessary. From both sides we can see
that the concord of monarchic and aristocratic ruling powers of the
first Empire has been shattered, and seems today increasingly
In response to the coup d'Etat and the formation of the second Empire in
19th century France, when the forces of revolution seemed at the lowest
point, Marx sought reasons for optimism. He did not advocate, of
course, taking the side of the multilateralist bourgeois parties against
the unilateralist Emperor. Rather he saw the conflicts among the ruling
powers as a passage through purgatory, in which the seemingly
inexistent revolutionary forces were merely tunneling underground,
hidden from view, waiting for the right time to spring forth. We too
have no intention of taking sides with any of the forces struggling for
power at the pinnacle of the global hierarchy - the United States,
Europe, the United Nations, Blair, Chirac, etc. Today, however,
different from Marx's time, the forces of revolution are working in full
view. They matured during the first Empire and enter into the second
with growing powers. This is perhaps the most important difference, a
difference that may free us from the tragic cycle of historical
Published in Global Magazine