1.0 <double-minded> || 2.0 <all things shining> || 3.0 <body rock'n> ||
4.0 <punk> || 5.0 <narrative> || 6.0 <semi-automatic> ||
7.0 <still>

FLTR is filtered by Curt Cloninger <curt@lab404.com>.

It's a sometimes weekly email newsletter of groovy stuff.  You can't 
advertise in it, subscribe or unsubscribe to it, submit to it, or do 
anything much about it at all really.

FLTR is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, 
organization, or institution; does not wish to engage in any 
controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes.  Our primary 
purpose is to  stay creatively sober and help others to achieve 
creative sobriety.

FLTR -- less sporadic; more emphatic.  Chewin' the fat like the 
wife o' Jack Sprat since two thousand aught one.