"We didn't care about the official show, we just wanted to use it for our own purposes."

WhitneyBiennial (For Sale!)
René Joseph


'Tis the season to host your own biennial show, because virtual "space" is free, and beating the "what is real/who own's what?" conceptual dead horse is just too easy to pass up!

To participate, just link a bunch of sites you like, call the project "biennial something-or-other" (I myself am partial to "BritneyBiennial," but of course it's your show), and send me your URL! It's mind-numbingly simple. You can either ask the participants whether they want to be involved, OR NOT! By not asking (as I have not done with the above participants), you raise the supa-fresh issue of copyright. Werd.

Or, better yet, compile your own meta-list of other lists, and send me the URL of your meta-list (thus make your site the new MetaBiennial site, and turning this site into the MetaMetaBiennial site. I may have to change my logo!)

Or, better yet, add this meta-list to your own meta-meta-list and don't send me any URL at all (thus making your site a MetaMetaBiennial site, and leaving this site to remain the aptly named MetaBiennial site).

Whichever you choose, don't forget to call yourself a "curator" (this is very important), and email your URL out to a bunch of people (also very important). If you can marshal a fleet of virtual vehicles and incorporate them into your virtual show, all the better! Or create a "Virtual U-Haul" rental site of your own and make a virtual e-killing out of this virtual craze.


Q: Do you consider the MetaBiennial site art?
A: Sure, why not?

Q: Do you consider the MetaBiennial site conceptual art?
A: Sure, why not?

Q: Do you consider the MetaBiennial site good conceptual art?
A: What is "good?" Your even asking that question proves that you missed the whole point.
Q: But don't you think that...
A: Shhh!

Q: Do you consider the MetaBiennial site good art?
A: No.

Q: Do you consider the MetaBiennial site art criticism?
A: Sure, why not?

Q: Do you consider the MetaBiennial site conceptual art criticism?
A: Do you mean "criticism of conceptual art," or "art criticism that is itself conceptual"?
Q: Listen, in order to maintain air-speed velocity, a swallow needs to beat its wings 43 times every second, right?
A: Please!
Q: Am I right?

Q: Do you consider the MetaBiennial site good conceptual art criticism?
A: Don't go there, girlfriend.

Q: Do you consider the MetaBiennial site good art criticism?
A: You hurt my feelings by even asking that question.

Q: Why should I participate in this project?
A: San Dimas High School Football Rules!

Q: Will we ever escape this circuitous, self-reflexive dialogue with the art institutions themselves and start making art again about something other than whether or not the art is or isn't in a gallery?
A: I'm sorry, but your time is up.

Lo-Res Printable Invitation:

meta.pdf (69k)

Curated By:


do you want to go faster?