NM 374 NEW MEDIA RESEARCH (London, Paris, Berlin) Instructor: Curt Cloninger / curt at lab404 dot com COURSE DESCRIPTION/OBJECTIVESNM 374: New Media Research is structured (in conjunction with NM 374: New Media Production) to expand the worldview of UNC Asheville students majoring in new media, art, art-history, and music. We will accomplish this through immersion in a media arts themed study program to London, Paris, and Berlin -- cities with deeply-rooted histories in the media arts at cultural and institutional levels. Cinema, video art, photography, computer-generated art, internet art, hacktivist art, and experimental music/sound art all factor significantly in these artistic communities and institutions. Our program uses the subject of the media arts to explore our host cities of London, Paris, and Berlin. NM 374 is a unique course in the liberal arts curriculum and a memorable experience. NM 374 it is interdisciplinary in quality and naturally transposes as a creative catalyst for students in multiple disciplines. As a 4 hour course, 374 is comprised of relevant theoretical readings and resultant written research. Its companion 4 hour course (NM 474: New Media Production) is comprised of the rendering of written research in the form of a creative media project. Note: This course fulfills the university's Arts requirement. This course is Writing Intensive, which means writing is an essential component of this course. You will read and be exposed to various multi-disciplinary perspectives. Writing is an integral tool which will allow you to better comprehend and assimilate these perspectives. Through your writing, you will develop and explore original insights regarding new media and its relation to contemporary culture. Research, thinking, and written expression are intrinsically related. Note: The University Writing Center (UWC), located on the main floor of Ramsey Library (room 136), offers support to writers in 45-minute, one-on-one sessions. UWC consultations are highly recommended but not required. The UWC helps writers: brainstorm; find a topic; incorporate and document sources; organize their drafts; develop revision strategies; and more. If you visit the UWC, take a copy of your assignment, any drafting or notes you may have, as well as any sources you're working with. To find out more about UWC services, visit their web page at unca.edu/uwc. To schedule an appointment, call 251-6596 or stop by in person during open hours.
Student Learning Objectives
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