1. enchanted/modulated space installation = 25%
2. micro-projects, mockups, prototypes, written responses, grant application, quizzes = 75%
Note: if you want to use Max for your installations (instead of doing them the analog interactive way), you may download the free trial version of Max which lasts for a month. As a hack to get more months, Professor Han has reported that her students have had success simply using different personal emails to register for additional month-long trials. You really only need 2 more months, but I realize some of you have already used your first month trial. As you know, the way in which Max cripples itself after the trial month is that you can't save, but it may still be used (you just have to take a screen shot of your patch and rebuild it when you are ready to document your installation).
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Dndw6qgC9tBP-U7Kbatgv4PQvZ0vU758?usp=drive_linkOnline video lectures will be uploaded to a folder called "video lectures" in the google drive for the class. (The link to the google drive is https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Dndw6qgC9tBP-U7Kbatgv4PQvZ0vU758?usp=drive_link. (You must be logged into google with your unca.edu account.) An email will be sent to you when each one is created.>>
To set up an individual zoom meeting in order to answer questions or debug code, send me an email with available dates and times. Individual meetings are optional and not required.
Note: You still have to return your midi bits (and any other of my little bits that you have) at the end of the semester. We will have to work out a way to do this per person.
[Weeks 1-6]
Micro-Project: interactive object/sculpture/system