INTERACTIVE PHYSICAL COMPUTING (interactive installation art)
instructor: curt cloninger
email: curt at lab404 dot com
office: Owen 311 (office hours are online, by appointment)
location: university of north carolina asheville
# indicates a link to a text object

class-specific | readings + examples | resources

rough project calendar
attendance and grading policies
Sister Corita Kent's 10 rules

macro-projects (group)
multi-channel video installation
modulated/enchanted space installation

micro-projects (individual)
interactive object/sculpture/system
interactive sonic sculpture/instrument/system
miniature installation (tableau or wondercabinet)
minimal space/body modulation (sense yourself sensing)
[hypothetical] telepresence/network, site/non-site piece

required hardware
littleBits Power Bit (9v and/or USB)
littleBits Midi Bit (Don't purchase this. I will give you one to use.)
+ at least two littleBits input bits (pink) [pressure, bend, button, slide dimmer, proximity, accelerometer, light, and remote trigger are all promising ones for this class]

optional hardware
littleBits output bits (green)
littleBits wireless transmitter + wireless receiver
littleBits Bluetooth Bit + cell phone

optional texts
Installation Art in the New Millenium (oliveira/oxley/petry)
Understanding Installation Art: From Duchamp to Holzer (rosenthal)
From Margin to Center: The Spaces of Installation Art (reiss)
One Place After Another: Site-Specific Art and Locational Identity (kwon)
Installation Art (bishop)


a possible definition# (rosenthal)
Installation Art: Introduction# (bishop)
The Emancipated Spectator [talk]# (rancière)
Merzbau [wikipedia entry], Merzbau images (schwitters)
meepmorp (peridot/lapis)

interactive object/sculpture/system

Homage to New York (tinguely) [cf: rauschenberg's contribution]
Magnet TV [photo * video] (paik)
Box with the Sound of Its Own Making (morris)
Alice [excerpt] (svankmajer)
The Devil's Ball (starewicz)
ouija board

interactive sonic sculpture/instrument/system

Venus Smiles# (ballard)
10 selected works (zimoun)
Forty Part Motet (cardiff)
making the Rat Film score (deacon/anthony)
lists & continua# (cloninger)


Studies on the Ecology of Drama (ahtila)
Ever Is Over All [cf: alternate documentation] (rist)
The Crossing [cf: installation documentation] (viola)


miniature installation (tableau or wondercabinet)

The Precession of Simulacra [excerpt]# (baudrillard)
miniature rooms (ranner)
boxes (cornell)
doll houses

minimal space/body modulation (sense yourself sensing)

A Mover's Guide to Standing Still# (manning)
100 untitled works in mill aluminum [cf: description#] (judd)
Video Corridor [cf: description#] (nauman)
ArcelorMittal Orbit Slide (höller)
roller coasters
dance clubs

telepresence/network, site/non-site piece

A Tour of the Monuments of Passaic, New Jersey# (smithson)
Within and Beyond the Frame [cf: description#] (buren)
The Telegarden (goldberg / santarromana)
Plantoid (okhaos)
A Tool to Deceive and Slaughter (larsen)


The Uncanny# (freud)
volumen | ghost... a border act | myein (hamilton)
the event of a thread (hamilton)
haunted houses

a long list of available resources >>

cycling 74 tutorials online (click right menu at site) OR open max itself, go to "help > reference", click on the home icon (top left), then click on "tutorials" in the list to the right
max/msp video tutorial series (koraca)
baz tutorials [+the missing #2 tutorial]
vizzie tutorials
vizzie video experiments tutorial
vizzie visions tutorials
BEAP (max modular audio synthesizer) tutorial
various max tutorial videos
how to create a vizzie module
how to build an iPhone projector for less that $10


